CFC Show Windsor, Nova Scotia, October 17-18 2009
Critiques From Judges:
Judge -Miroslav Zidar (Slovenia)\
Rated Abby excellent recieved CAC, Strong compact, Good pigmentation,
Typical head, Correct top line, Good devoloped chest, Good movement
Judge- Christaine Lafay (France)
Recieved CAC rated excellent, Beautiful bitch, strong, Typical in the body,
Excellent head, Excellent porportion, Very good angulation, Excellent teeth and correct bite,
Very good topline , Typical muzzle, stop,skull, eyes, Beautiful typical movement
Judge- Veiga (Portugal)
Recieved CAC rated excellent, Excellent type,head,eyes,pigment,teeth,
Excellent neck, topline ,angulation, Excellent movement
Judge -Rui Oliveira (Portugal)
Recieved CAC rated excellent, Good head beautiful shape, Excellent neck and topline,
Excellent mouth,angulation and movement